My name is Jordan Matthew Weber! I graduated from Bellbrook High school in 2021. I currently am enrolled in the Design Leadership Program at The Modern College of Design in Dayton, Ohio. I graduated with an Associate Degree of Applied Business in Design in 2024.

I’m a purveyor in almost all forms of art. In my free time I analyze and research music and films. I also enjoy playing video games with my close friends, sight seeing, and going out with my partner!

I am always looking to broaden my horizons. I aim to push the envelope and to provide consistently ambitious, diverse and zany designs. Some of my biggest influences are composers like Hideki Naganuma, Nobua Uematsu, Angelo Badalamenti, and Barry De Vorzon. Directors like Sam Raimi, Brian De Palma, George Romero, and my favorite actor is Danny Trejos!

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(937) 974-6850

